Morris Suppliers Inc; It’s base and mainstay is, to Develop and Supply High Quality Products …… “YOU GET MORE, MAKING GOOD AND DURABLE PRODUCTS”…….. here’s born, our Quality Policy and is kept in our Vision. Doing what we like to do and rendering excellent customer service.

Morris Suppliers Inc, is only doing business with Factories with Production Process that meets with Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC and Quality Management System According to design, material and manufacturing process so each manufacturer will have the certificates that your particular manufacture needs.


It’s Equipment and Processes are certified by a third party and controlled from start till the end of manufacturing.

A Tradition of Quality

Our passion is to develop solutions for difficult situations in Industrial Applications, no matter how large or small the project.

Come to us with your needs and we will provide you the solutions.

Morris Suppliers Inc. Is a corporation dedicated to the production and marketing of valves, tubes and fittings. Our performance is founded on quality products from our trademark brand Morris Valves® which meet strict international standards.

Morris Suppliers Inc., it is our priority to meet customer’s requirements. We pride ourselves in a tradition of excellence, innovation and continuous improvement of our processes, as well as a highly trained staff providing the best quality in customer service and technical assistance.
